Join me on my mission to Empower Women, reconnect with our feminine and truly love our bodies, while empowering our clients to love theirs too!

Hey, I’m Kay

After ten years of struggling in my business. Hustling to just get by. I was exhausted . All the time I avoided investing in myself was holding me back from reaching my full potential and sharing my gifts with women everywhere.

After ten years of doing it wrong. I made the leap and it CHANGED MY LIFE !!

As a neurospicy (adhd) woman, hands on learning has always been so important to me, and I’m so excited to be offering workshops in our new studio space so you can get hands on experience, ask questions and be empowered.

Day One : Empowered & Educated

Morning Snacks & Mingle

Your Brand Identity

Hair & Makeup

Contracts & Communication

Lunch meal provided

Marketing 101 with special guest speaker

Equipment Overview & Lighting

Q & A with Kay

Day Two : Hands on learning

Morning Breakfast snacks & Mingle

Meet the models

Posing Do’s & Don’ts

Guided Posing and Photograping

critique and guidance from Kay and models.

Workshop Dates

more dates coming soon